Sunday, April 12, 2015


We had a really nice Easter. John and Chellie got in late Thursday and stayed through Sunday afternoon. It was a fun visit, and Chellie really helped me get ready for the Easter celebration. We had about sixty people, and the weather was perfect.  It is so much fun with everyone dressed up for Easter and all of the little ones hunting for eggs--and tons of food, brought by everyone.  Abbey played the Easter bunny again.  Stephanie loved her but Julia didn't.  Warning: picture overload.

This past week we recovered from Easter and I finally finished putting away all of the decorations yesterday.  We ate lots of ham all week.  Wayne's mother got really sick the middle of the week.  She had pneumonia and we weren't sure she was going to make it.  She'll be 94 the end of this month.  She started running a fever on Monday, and when we visited her on Thursday she just slept sitting up in her chair the whole time, but every once in awhile she looked up and said "get me out of here," and "take me with you."  The nurse said her vital signs were still good--her heart and blood pressure.  They said she could pull through, but she hadn't eaten in three days. She didn't seem to have the desire to live any longer.  Then Jeff visited her on Friday, and she was much better, sitting up and talking.  I think the antibiotics finally kicked in.

We also worked in the yard quite a bit yesterday.  So many of our flowers and trees bloomed this week, after Easter unfortunately.  Almost all of the tulips bloomed and the daffodils had already bloomed.  Our ornamental trees look beautiful, the dogwood, magnolia, weeping cherry, almond, lilacs and red buds look beautiful.  We went to a couple of places Friday looking at plants and bushes because we lost a couple of azaleas over the winter, but we decided to divide and replant some of our peonies to fill in the gaps.  They are just about my favorite.  I hope the transplanting is successful; they are looking pretty wimpy this morning.  I'll take some pictures and post them this week.  I think I already have enough pictures here for today.