Well--no baby yet. My d.i.l. went home from the hospital last night and is on total bed rest. They go back to her doctor tomorrow morning, and they'll see how she is doing with her blood pressure and water retention. She is not due for three more weeks, but she' really uncomfortable and the baby seems to be big enough--and I want to be able to go and spend some time before school starts up again. They are about six hours away from us, so we'll drive there when she goes to the hospital. I would like to stay a week to ten days, but husband will probably drive back after a few days and I'll fly back.
Our semester does not actually start until Jan. 17th, but we have meetings the whole week before starting on the 9th. I wouldn't mind missing the meetings--I'd much prefer being with my new granddaughter. Here are a few pictures from their baby shower in November:
Mommy and Daddy to be:
You can see they had quite a bit of help, from granddaughters and nieces.
It wasn't long until all seven grandkids were there--the two boys had gone out for a boys night out with dads and uncles, but they wanted to come home and join the party.
Trying to figure out how they are going to get all of the gifts back to Ohio.
The shower was a success! |
They also had two other showers, so now they are ready--can you tell I am anxious???